are Titled " The Any Time Man & How Sweet is Your Candy " He has been in the music industry for over 20 years playing
as a musician for Legendary Entertainers such as Carl Sims, and the late great Marvin Sease, and many more.

I' am an Entertainer a Singer and Song writer for the past 20 years I' am currently on Coday Records based out of Memphis TN with a brand new hit single called " I Done Lost My Good Thang " I have two previous CD's they are Titled " The Any Time Man & How Sweet is Your Candy " I have been in the music industry for over 20 years playing as a musician for Legendary Entertainers such as Carl Sims, and the late great Marvin Sease, and many more.
Right now I' am completing the final touches of my brand new CD. My hit single " I done Lost My Good Thang " is climbing the Blue's Charts and is peeking in many other music charts as well, we have the song on You Tube it has received over 100,000 hits in less than seven months, it is truly making some noise, and I have been truly blessed. I am open for bookings by contacting myself 901-406-2758 and Ms. Anna Coday 901-357-5989.
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